With these victories also came the booty and the financial condition of the Companions-RAU greatly improved. However, tilings did not change for the household of the Holy Prophet-SW and never could they enjoy two meals in a day to their fill. At times, for months together, there was nothing to cook. So his-SW wives with mutual consultation requested the Holy Prophet-SW that now that Allah-SWT had eased out the financial constraints of the believers, their household may also be given some relief from the share of the spoils, rather distributing all of it amongst the Companions-RAU. This was to relieve the impoverishment, which was a hallmark of the Holy Prophet-SW household. But he-SW did not approve of this proposal. These Ayat were revealed to give his-SW wives the choice between the existing situation and separation.
The Right To Divorce
The scholars infer that a woman can be given the right to divorce. If she does not wish to continue her marriage she may enforce divorce on herself. In the second case the power to exercise this right remains with the husband and if she demands, he may set her free by pronouncing the divorce. Both the methods are correct. So the Holy Prophet-SW is told to let his-SW wives know that if they seek worldly comforts and wealth, these cannot enter his-SW house. However, they can have these by biding farewell to his-SW household in the most appropriate manner, that is, separation though divorce.
As reported by Hadhrat 'Ayeshah-RAU, she was the first to be given this proposition by the Holy Prophet-SW, who told her that he-SW was about to tell her something to which she must answer only after consultation with her parents. He-SW then recited this Ayah to her. In reply Hadhrat 'Ayeshah-RAU said that there was no need for any consultations as she would right away opt for Allah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW After her, the same proposal was placed before the other wives and each one of them gave the same answer. The Holy Prophet-SW loved Hadhrat ‘Ayeshah-RAU and knew that if she consulted her parents they would never suggest separation. Opting for Allah-SWT , His-SWT Prophet-SW and for higher stations in the Akhirah is indeed great piety, for which they will be amply awarded.
Mistake By The Near Ones Invokes Greater Punishment
O’ wives of the Holy Prophet-SW! If you do something wrong it must not be presumed that a person near to Allah-SWT is allowed to sin. On the contrary, you shall be punished twice as much. Your mistakes would be doubled in gravity and it is the least difficult for Allah-SWT to do so.
And anyone of you who opts for Allah-SWT’s obedience and adherence to the Holy Prophet-SW, and acts righteously, her reward will be doubled and she will be showered with honour and dignity both in this world as well as in the Akhirah.
Wives Of The Holy Prophet-SW Are Superior To All Women
O’ Wives of the Holy Prophet-SW! You enjoy superiority over the rest of the women of the world, and in this respect no woman can emulate you. So it is imperative for you to practise Taqwa. You must never speak in such a sweet or soft tone that might be alluring for a person with diseased heart, or a hypocrite, that they may aspire to beguile you.
A Woman's Voice
Rather you must speak gracefully in an appropriate manner. There is no clement of Pardah for a woman's voice except in a situation which may pave the way for sin. Care, however, extends to the congregational Salat. If a woman detects that the Imam is erring in recitation, instead of speaking out to correct him, she should caution him by patting the back of her hand with the other hand. But what is happening today can, by no stretch of imagination, be justified. One class of women has taken to music and singing, the other sings eulogies of the Holy Prophet-SW on the electronic media, while a third-the elite class has ventured into the highest offices of the State. Stupefying indeed!
The Era Of Ignorance And Pardah
O’ wives of the Holy Prophet-SW! Stay inside your houses and do not roam around un-necessanly without Pardah as was the practice in the Era of Ignorance, preceding the raising of the Holy Prophet-SW. The advent of Islam eliminated ignorance. In those days women used to roam around in beautiful attires and jewellery to show off their adornment and affluence. Islam banned all such actions. By enforcing the aforesaid restrictions on the wives of the Holy Prophet-SW, the Quran made it clear that it was not permissible for any Muslim woman to go out of her homes unnecessarily. However, it does not restrict going out for a genuine need. But she must not display her beauty, jewellery or attire. Rather she must observe Pardah according to Shari’ah and must offer her worships both physical and fiscal at home and promptly obey Allah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW. This direction is being given by Allah-SWT as He-SWT wishes to shed away from you even the smallest of errors to cleanse and purify you.
Purification By Virtue Of Shari'ah And Creation
This cleansing is in terms of Shari'ah which the Companions-RAU and the Aulia' are blessed with. Allah-SWT protects them against sinning. They do not enjoy this cleansing by virtue of creation as the Prophets-AS do, who are created innocent. Innocence is a Prophetic quality and to ascribe it to somebody else amounts to accepting him as a Prophet.
The Members Of The Prophet-SW’s Household
The truth is that these Ayat were revealed in favour of the noble wives of the Holy Prophet-SW. He had prayed for inclusion of Hadhrat Ali-RAU, Fatima-RAU, Hassan-RAU and Hussain-RAU in his-SW household for his-SW other daughters had died prior to this revelation. Otherwise the term Ahl-e-Bait (Members of the Household) is applicable to those members only whose maintenance is the direct responsibility of the head of the family. Similarly, the objections based on the injunction “And stay in your houses", raised against Hadhrat 'Ayeshah-RAU as to why she went for Hajj or to Basra are not valid, as the prohibition is on roaming around to display personal splendour and not on undertaking a journey for Hajj. During the era of Hadhrat Umar-RAU, other noble wives of the Holy Prophet-SW also performed hajj.
Besides, she was accompanied by close relatives and travelled in a veiled litter on a camel's back. While in Makkah she heard of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Usman-RAU and the city of Madinah being taken over by a group of hypocrites (a branch of Jewish sect hidden in the garb of Muslims) vis-a-vis Hadhrat Ali-RAU’s helplessness. She headed for Basra, where the Islamic Army and power was concentrated. Hadhrat Ali-RAU was forced to march to Basra by the group of hypocrites, and Hadhrat Hassan and Hussain-RAU were also amongst those who tried to stop him-RAU.
There was no battle fought at Basra in the first place, as alleged. Rather a dialogue took place and it was decided that all the forces must join to take Qisas from the assassins of Hadhrat Usman-RAU. Hearing this news the group of hypocrites attacked suddenly in the early hours of the third morning and forced a clash between the two sides by deception. Before the misunderstanding was cleared many had been killed. A dissenting group amongst these hypocrites became known as Kharajis who later fought against Hadhrat Ali-RAU. Besides, Hadhrat 'Ayeshah-RAU was not in her litter when the fighting broke out. If this clash is termed as a battle then who took the spoils and who were the prisoners of war, who won and who was vanquished? It was all a conspiracy by these hypocrites and indeed it was a great achievement of Hadhrat Ali-RAU that he-RAU spared the Ummah from a civil war by bravely combating their intrigues. As for this group of hypocrites and others like them (holding similar beliefs, arguments and intentions), they are the eternal enemies of Muslim Ummah, mendacious and wily. Their arguments are based on lies and are flimsy; therefore, their reports must not be paid any heed whatsoever.
O wives of the Holy Prophet-SW! Keep in mind the Divine Revelations recited in your houses, of which the place of descent are also your abodes. These revelations are laden with real wisdom and sagacity, for Allah-SWT Knows even the fleeting thoughts that crosses the depths of your minds for even fraction of a second. And He-SWT is Aware of everything.